Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense. Hello, Susan! I want to tell you about my trip which I had (to have) last month. I (to be) in Athens, Greece. The weather (to swim) in the sea and (to be) exciting trip to Greece to Athens by plane. It (to travel) by plane. I (to on the plane in an airport in Kyiv and we hours later. ens two I we (to be) wonderful. We (to enjoy) our time. Our (to go) (to (to get) in Ath because the first time that I like) it very much! We (to be) (to arrive) at the airport of photos of ancient buildings and (to take) a lot (to buy) many souvenirs. Hope to see you soon.

123KETCHUP123 123KETCHUP123    3   18.03.2021 15:39    6

fertnyhaw fertnyhaw  18.03.2021 15:40

1 had

2. was

3. swam

4. were возможно was

5. traveled

6. were

7. enjoyed

8. went

9. got

10. were

11. arrived

12. toke

13. bought

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