Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous dear jane, i wasn (be) really pleased to receive your postcard. it sounds like you (have) a great time in spain. anyway, you will never believe what (happen) to me last weekend. i (go) to anne's party when it (start) to rain. as i (wait) at the bus stop a car (drive) past me at full speed. before i (know) it , i was soaking wet. i (feel) miserable - the people at the bus stop (laugh) and i (look) a mess. it was very embarrassing. why do these things always happen to me? that's all for now. write back soon. love, mary

davidmarabyan davidmarabyan    3   20.08.2019 21:40    2

ммм298 ммм298  05.10.2020 08:04
1) was
2) had
3) happened
4) was going
5) started
6) was waiting
7) drove
8) knew
9) felt
10) were laughing
11) looked
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