Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous. 1 Adil ……………………. (leave) the concert, ……………………. (get) in a taxi and ……………………. (go) home.
2 I ……………………. (watch) my favourite quiz show when someone …………………. (knock) on the door.
3 ……………………. (you/have) time to go and see the play at the theatre last night?
4 This time last week, I ……………………. (swim) in a pool at a beach resort.
5 The sun ……………………. (shine) brightly but the wind ……………………. (blow) strongly when he left for work.

xomidov xomidov    1   05.12.2020 05:38    6

ТКУиК9ks11 ТКУиК9ks11  12.02.2021 19:35

1 left got went

2 was watching. knocked

3 were you having

4 was swimming

5 was shining ,was blowing

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