Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous. 1 a: why was she exhausted? . b: well, she for hours. 2 a: why didn't he have anything to eat at the restaurant? (already eat) at home.3. а: (peter/finish) cleaning the pool when you arrived? b: no, he didn't. 4a: why did they give him a promotion? be deserved it because he(work) hard all year 5 a: how long(they/cycle) before they stopped for a rest? b: for five hours. 6 a: did frank graduate? b: no, he didn't. although he(almost/complete) his studies, he dropped out in the last term. 7 a: what did you think of the modern art exhibition b: it was fantastic! i(never/see) such beautiful works of art before

anuta07121971 anuta07121971    1   20.07.2019 18:10    3

Пр0ст0Чел0век Пр0ст0Чел0век  22.09.2020 22:29
2. He had already ate at home...
3. Had Peter finished...
4. Had been working...
5. The had been cycle...
6. He had almost completed...
7. Had never seen...
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