Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive. 1. tom stopped pick (pick up) his washing on the way home. 2. if you don't (smoke), you'll make yourself ill. 3. (phone) john at the office if he's not at home. 4. i tried my (finish), but there just wasn't enough time. 5. he was promoted in 1990 and went (become) a company director. 6. the band went (play) even after the lights had gone out. 7. "why is the baby crying? " "i think he wants (feed)." 8. sharon (talk) to you. 9. jane was (show) her school report to her parents. 28 10. i'm afraid (lose) my way in the forest. 11. what do you (do) with all that money? 12. playing a musical instrument well (practise) for years. 13. i (inform) you that your husband has been arrested. 14. she (spend) so much money on her new dress. 15. do you (ride) a bicycle for the first time? 16. (post) the letters on your way home. 17. i'd (pretend) i didn't hear what you just said. 18. i (borrow) books from the library to (buy) them. 19. don't (bring) some cash in case they don't accept credit cards. 20. i was (hear) about you failing the exam. 21. he said he was sorry (speak) to you so rudely. 22. oh no! i totally (turn off) the cooker. 23. i'll never (sail) through that storm in the atlantic

полина90602 полина90602    3   07.09.2019 17:20    54

amazonka101 amazonka101  28.04.2020 03:47
2. smoking
3. phoning
4. to finish
5. becoming
6. playing
7. to feed
8. to talk
9. showing
10. losing
11. doing
12. practising
13. to inform
14. informing
15. to ride
16. posting
17. to pretend
18. to borrow
19. to bring
20. to hear
21. speak
22. to turn off
23. to sail
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