Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form
1.profit play) an important part in determining the allocation of


2. bank-notes first come) into use in britain in december 1975.

3. economic conditions change) all the time.

4. last year the results (to be) not very pleasing.

5. they usually hold their european meeting in paris.

6. the distribution of industry now become) a major feature of

government economic policy.

7. they (to start) a new sales campaign next week.

8. in recent years governments in the uk pay) increasing attention

to the role of small business in the economy.

9. the bank charter act of 1844 follow) a long dispute about the

control of money supply.

Arestan Arestan    2   04.09.2019 18:22    1

08077987979 08077987979  06.10.2020 17:35

1 plays

2 came

3 are changing

4 were


6 is becoming

7 will start

8 paid

9 followed

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