Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Where...(you/be) when the lights ... (go/off?

2 The fire(spread) to the neighbouring house and burnt it down.

3 Tsunamis (happen)more often in Japan than in Europe.

4 We (not listen) to the weather forecast so we(have) no idea about the hurricane.

Vika15678 Vika15678    3   29.09.2020 04:23    5

професорАртём професорАртём  29.09.2020 06:01

1. Where were you when the lights went off?

2. The fire spread to the neighbouring house in Europe.

3. Tsunamis are happening more often in Japan than in Europe.

4. We don't listen to the weather forecast so we don't have an idea about the hurricane.

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