Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the infinitive or –ing form.

1. The cyclist stopped (mend) a flat tyre during the race.
2. I look forward to (watch) the Cup Final on TV.
3. Alice called (invite) them to her dinner party.
4. He hates (read) books.
5. They had difficulty in (accept) the referee’s decision.
6. There is no point in (watch) the match when my team is losing.
7. He found it difficult (finish) the race because his ankle was sore.
8. Would you mind (carry) the equipment onto the field?
9. Did you remember (tell) Chris to bring his skates? We’re going to the ice rink after work.
10. He regrets (argue) with the referee as it resulted in his being sent off the pitch.
11. I will never forget (see) the figure skating championship last year.

Alina0989 Alina0989    3   04.04.2020 01:34    4

херфигзнает херфигзнает  12.10.2020 13:57

1) mending

2) watching

3) to invite




7)to finish


9)to tell

10) arguing

11) seeing

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