Put the verbs in brackets into correct form using conditional i 1) if i……… (to study), i ……….. (to pass) the exams. 2) if the sun …………. (to shine), we ……………(to walk) to the town. 3) if he…………… (to have) a temperature, he……………. (to see) the doctor. 4) if my friends ……………. (to come), i …………….(to be) very happy. 5) if she ……………. (to earn) a lot of money, she ………… (to fly) to new york. 6) if we……………….. (to travel) to london, we……………. (to visit) the museums. 7) if you ……………. (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you……………. (to slip) on the rocks. 8) if rita…………… (to forget) her homework, the teacher …………….(to give) her a low mark. 9) if they ………….. (to go) to the disco, they ………… listen) to loud music. 10) if you………… (to wait) a minute, i ………….(to ask) my parents. put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. if the plane (arrive) late, we (miss) our connecting flight. 2. i ) you some english, if you ) me a bit of french. 3. lily (not forgive) jack, if he (forget) their wedding anniversary again. 4. if you (wash up), i ) the dishes. 5. if you (not wear) a tie, they let) you in to the restaurant. 6. our football team ), if they ) on saturday. (careful! )

DanilДюжик DanilДюжик    2   21.06.2019 18:40    3

alexandur96 alexandur96  02.10.2020 07:39
1 I’ll look for your notebook and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring. 2 If you (smoke) in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers (object). 3 I’ll wash the glasses in this nice hot water. - No, don’t. If you (put) them into very hot water they (crack). 4 If you (see) Tom tell him I have a message for him. 5 If he (win) he (get) £1,000; if he (come) in second he (get) £500. 6 If you (feel) too hot during the night turn down the central heating. 7 Tom: Jack is a translator; he translates 1,000 words a day and gets £100 a week, which he says isn’t enough to live on. Bill: Well, if he (want) more money he (have) to do more work. Advise him to translate 2,000 words a day. 8 If you (finish) with your dictionary I’d like to borrow it. 9 Jack (in canoe): Watch me! I’m going to stand up! Tom (on the bank): He’s an idiot! If he (stand) up in the canoe it (capsize). 10 The lift wasn’t working when I was here last. If it still (not work) we (have) to use the stairs. 11 I (not wake up) if the alarm clock (not go) off. 12 If you’d like some ice I (get) some from the fridge. 13 He’s only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term. — If he (leave) now he (be) sorry afterwards. 14 I expect it will freeze tonight. — If it (freeze) tonight the roads (be) very slippery tomorrow. 15 That book is overdue. If you (not take) it back to the library tomorrow you (have) to pay a fine. 16 Unless Tom (take) his library book back tomorrow he (have) to pay a fine. 17 You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) well tomorrow. 18 If a driver (brake) suddenly on a wet road he (skid). 19 If you (like) I (get) you a job in this company. 20 If you (like) a job in this company, I’ll get you one.
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