Put the verbs in brackets into Conditionals I 1 If people …(to stop) throwing rubbish into the seas and rivers, clean water… ( not/to be) a problem.
2 If we … recycle old magazines and books, we …(to save) trees.
3 If you …(to turn) off the lights when you leave a room, we …(to reduce) the use of energy.
4 You ...(to have) to wear a mask, if the air …(not/to be) clean.
5 More species …(to survive), if we …(to protect) nature.
6 We …(to be thirsty),if we …(not/to have) enough water.

Dasha20101111 Dasha20101111    1   18.03.2021 18:49    0

AbdurrahmanSam AbdurrahmanSam  17.04.2021 18:51

1 stop- won't be

2 recycle- will save

3 turn-will reduce

4 will have to-isn't

5 will survive-protect

6 will be thirsty-don't have to


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