Put the verbs in brackets int o the correct form of the past simple as in the example. a: what did you do last night b: (go) to the cinema. a: what film (you/see) b: the pink panther || 2) a: why (not/emely/come) to terry'sparty yesterday b: she (have) to study for an exam 3) a: i (read) the book you (give) me about dinosaurs. b: (you/like) it? a: yes. it (be) very interesting 4) where (you/spend) your summer holidays? b: we (go) to jamaica a: really? what (it/be) like? b: great!

svetaredkina svetaredkina    3   19.07.2019 15:50    3

ougodnikovaa ougodnikovaa  03.10.2020 08:02
Went,what film did you see?,why didn't Emily come, had,read, gave,did you like it?,was,did you spend,went,what it was like?.
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