Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Tense. 1.My father ….(be) born in Pavlodar.
2.We ….(build) this house last year.
3.My friends …. (come, not) yesterday.
4…. you ….. (go) to the cinema on Sunday?
5.Saule ….(try) to study well last month.

yjtkf yjtkf    3   23.02.2021 09:08    0

perecnikova perecnikova  23.02.2021 09:10
1 was
2 built
3 didn’t come
4 Do you go
5 tried
лиза2695 лиза2695  23.02.2021 09:10

1.My father was born in Pavlodar.

2.We built this house last year.

3.My friends didn’t come yesterday.

4. Did you go to the cinema on Sunday?

5.Saule tried to study well last month.

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