Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple 6.a; where (you/be) last night ? b; i (go) out with larry 7.a; ann (not/come) to the party yesterday b; i know. she (be) in madrid on a business trip 8.a; when (you/learn) to swim ? b; my father (teach) me when i was four

VladMirnyi VladMirnyi    3   14.03.2019 15:12    1

егор22813371111 егор22813371111  25.05.2020 07:56
6.A.Where were you last night?
B.I went out with Larry
7.A.Ann didn't come to the party yesterday
B.I know.SHe was in
8.A.When did you learn...?
B.My father taught..
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