Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. He (not to pay) a fine and was taken to the police station.
2. The notary public (to require) some certificates and documents from
the visitor.
3. That thief (not to steal) the money yesterday.
4. She (to explain) to the notary that it (to be) her mother's will.
5. Because the crime (to be) very serious, the judge (to sentence) the man to ten
years in prison.
Нужно только то что в скобках поставили очень

Market080808 Market080808    3   07.12.2020 22:46    0

saharok16 saharok16  06.01.2021 22:47

1. didn't pay

2. required

3. didn't steal

4. explained, was

5. was, sentenced

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