Put the verb into the correct form, present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. если можно, все три , или хотя бы первые два.

chiprianv1 chiprianv1    2   07.06.2019 08:13    1

wiwhha wiwhha  07.07.2020 07:22


1 isn't raining

2 do you do

3 is wearing

4 have been doing

5 have been playing

6 you have been

7 we haven't had

8 is being

9 has grown

10 has been running


1 I don't understand what he is speaking about.

2 John has been writing the composition but he hasn't finished it yet.

3 He is playing the piano.

4 I hope Mary will come out of the hospital soon.

5 My parents have been working for this company since 2001.

6 What do you think of this book? Have you read it?

7 Right

8 John has been to the USA many times before.

9 тут первые два предложения верные, а в третьем ошибка: I have been doing it for three hours.

10 Right


1 Have you ever been to London? - No, I haven't but I've read a lot of books about this city and its history.

2 My father works at the bank. He has been working there for five years.

3 You are always coming late! We have already done everything ourselves.

4 It has been raining for three days. - This is hardly surprising. It always rains at this time of the year.

5 Do you know this woman? - Yes, I do. She's a famous actress.

6 What are you talking about? - I don't understand anything.

7 He is staying in the Russia hotel. He always stays there when he comes to Moscow.

8 The boy has already done his homework and now he's going for a walk.

9 Have you seen Jack today? I have been waiting for him for a a good hour, but he hasn't come to work yet.

10 Mary usually makes sandwiches for breakfast but today she's making porridge.

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