Put the verb in brackets into the most suitable form of the future.

1. “What…..you…..this evening? (do). “Nothing”.
“ Well, ……we……to that new pizzeria?” (go)
2. In 2024 the Olympic Games…..in Athens. (take place)
3. Which showing do you want to go to? The film…..at nine and eleven. (start)
4. I….work at five – so shall we meet at quarter past? (finish)
5. Seven o’clock isn’t possible as I………something else then. (do)
6. This lesson is boring. When……it……to……? (finish)

diana17171 diana17171    2   28.04.2020 01:52    47

ник5046 ник5046  13.10.2020 23:52

1. What will you do,will we go

2.will take place

3. Starts / will start

4. Will finish work

5. Will do

6. Will it finish?


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