Put the suitable verb in Present Perfect Tense to complete the sentences. (поставте подходящий глагол в форме Present Perfect) Отрицательная форма записывается в краткой форме с маленькой буквы, например: haven't slept know not speak think not eat travel not rain do

1. She around Mongolia this year. *

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2. They a lot about the characters in the play they are putting on. *

Мой ответ

3. Aziza Tatanya for 10 years. *

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4. They sushi before. *

Мой ответ

5. You to Eva, have you? *

Мой ответ

6. He a lot of exercise recently. *

Мой ответ

7. It very much in the last month. 

frolovbogdan122 frolovbogdan122    1   16.03.2021 10:12    0

zeralskaya zeralskaya  15.04.2021 10:13

1. She has travelled around Mongolia this year.

2. They have thought a lot about the characters in the play they are putting on.

3. Aziza has known Tatanya for 10 years.

4. They haven’t eaten sushi before.

5. You haven’t spoken to Eva, have you?

6. He has done a lot of exercise recently.

7. It hasn’t rained very much in the last month.

не уверен на счет 2 и 5, а так надеюсь все правильно good luck!

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