Put the into the correct tense forms: 1. be quick! the bus (come). i ) to miss it. 2. they usually buy) tickets beforehand. now they (to buy) tickets at the booking-office number 15. 3.what your father (do) every day? be) a doctor. he (to go) to hospital every day. 4. what book you (to i came? 5. know) him for a long time. 6. do) grammar excercises since 10 o`clok and he already do) 10 exercises. 7. she leave) for kyiv tonight. 8. when (to come back)? 9. my (to visit) the exhibition of modern painters tomorrow. 10. see) this exhibition ? - not yet. i`m (to wait) my frind and go) together.

vinney vinney    1   28.06.2019 18:00    3

maja6 maja6  22.07.2020 21:15
. Be quick! The bus is comingcome). I do not wantto miss it. 
2. They usually buy tickets beforehand. Now they are buying  tickets at the booking-office number 15.
3.What does your father do every day? He is a doctor. He goes to hospital every day.
4. What book were you reading when I came?
5. I have  known him for a long time.
6. He  has been doing grammar excercises since 10 o`clok and he  has already done10 exercises.
7. She is leaving  for Kyiv tonight.
8. When wiil she come back)?
9. My parents will  visit) the exhibition of modern painters tomorrow.
10. have you seen this exhibition ? - Not yet. I`m am waiting my friend and we will go together.
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