Put the following into indirect speech. a. 1. "You behaved very badly yesterday," Pearl says to her. 2. "Marie-Lousie arrived last night and I'm expecting her every minute," says Constance. 3. "He'll meet Bessie here today," she says. 4. "The snuff-box was here a minute ago," says Bessie. 5. "I think Mother and Major Liconda will be here tomorrow," says Colin.
b. 1. "I met Flora at luncheon today," said Clay. 2. "You've never looked so beautiful as you looked tonight," he said to his wife. 3. "I spoke to him on the telephone two months ago," she said. 4. "Arnold's father arrived last night," said Elizabeth. 5. "I'll have another talk with Dick to¬morrow myself," said the doctor. 6. "I've not seen him this morning," she said. 7. "You have got a beautiful place here," Bessie said to him. 8. "I met Pete at the club yesterday," said Arnold.

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