Put the adjectives in two forms short - ... -...
expensive - ... -...
small- ... - ...
long -... - ...
beautiful -... -...
good - ... -...
little -...- ...
interesting -... -...
bad - ... - ...
bright - ... - ...
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives
1. Helen is eleven years old. She is ... (old) than me.
2. Helen is the... (responsible) student in our class.
3. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends at school. Helen is one of the... (bright) students in her class.
4. On Monday she had a Maths test. During her test she did the first and the second tasks very ... (quickly).
5. But she couldn't do the third task, which was the ... (difficult).
6. Helen was ready to start crying. Suddenly she looked at her friend, Martin. He showed her a picture with a ... (funny) smiley.
7. Helen smiled and did the task. Martin was her ... (good) friend and he helped her.
Watch the video and tick the days of the week
Science Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Read the text and find out if the following sentences are true or false. Определи, является ли предложение правда (Т) или ложь (F)
In most British schools students wear a school uniform. Girls usually wear a white blouse with a dark skirt and a pullover. Boys wear a shirt and a tie, dark trousers and a pullover. The colours of the pullover may be grey, brown, blue or green. Boys often wear school caps and girls sometimes wear hats. Shoes are usually black or brown. Children of ten and eleven don’t often like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes. Sometimes they do not wear the correct uniform. Schools often give them a warning the first time this happens. But the second time they are punished if they don’t wear the correct form.
1. Children don't have uniform in British schools. T/F
2. Girls usually wear blouses and skirts. T/F
3. Boys wear T-shirts and jeans.
4. School uniform in Britain is green, grey, blue and brown. T/F
5. Schoolchildren like their hats and shoes. T/F

я по болезни протустила

АминаКамалиева1 АминаКамалиева1    3   23.10.2020 15:21    1

vikarubachok vikarubachok  22.11.2020 15:23

short - shorter - the shortest

expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

small - smaller - the smallest

long - longer - the longest

beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful

good - better - the best

little - less - the least

interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

bad - worse - the worst

bright - brighter - the brightest

1. she is older than me

2. helen is the most responsible

3. Helen is one of the brightest students

4. very quickly

5. which was the most difficult

6. with a funny smiley

7. martin was her best friend

1) F

2) T

3) F

4) T

5) F

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