Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below. Reviews,
first night,

The person who directs the preparation of a play is the (a) .
Sometimes the (b) , who wrote the play, works with him.
One of the first things to be done is to choose the (c) , the actors and actresses.
For this purpose, (d) are held at which actors perform short pieces and the most suitable are chosen for the (e) in the play.
Before the play is performed in front of an (f ) of hundreds of (g) , of course there are a lot of (h) .
At last, the (i) !
When the curtain gees down at the end, will there be enthusiastic (j) or silence?
Will the newspaper (k) be good or bad?
What will the (l) think?
Everyone hopes for a (m) that will (n) for months or even years, but the play might be a (o) and only last a few days.
It's hard work in the theatre. There are evening (p) six nights a week and afternoon shows, cailed (q) , once or twice as well.​

bakulya2005ma bakulya2005ma    1   14.04.2021 07:02    163

Вовка753 Вовка753  14.01.2024 16:21
The person who directs the preparation of a play is the (a) director. The role of the director is to oversee the overall production of the play, including guiding the actors and actresses, making creative decisions, and ensuring that the play is staged according to their vision.

Sometimes the (b) playwright, who wrote the play, works with him. The playwright is the person who wrote the script of the play. Sometimes, playwrights collaborate with the director to make changes or provide further insights into the intention behind the play.

One of the first things to be done is to choose the (c) cast, the actors and actresses. The cast refers to all the actors and actresses who will be performing in the play. This is an important decision as the success of the play depends on the talent and suitability of the cast.

For this purpose, (d) auditions are held at which actors perform short pieces and the most suitable are chosen for the (e) parts in the play. Auditions are organized events where actors have the opportunity to showcase their skills and perform short pieces. The director and casting team observe the auditions to select the most suitable actors for each specific role in the play.

Before the play is performed in front of an (f) audience of hundreds of (g) theatre-goers, of course there are a lot of (h) rehearsals. Rehearsals are practice sessions where the cast and director work together to perfect their performances. These sessions allow the actors to familiarize themselves with their lines and blocking, as well as work out any issues or inconsistencies in their performances.

At last, the (i) first night! The first night refers to the premiere performance of the play. It is the first time the play is staged in front of a live audience. This is an exciting and important moment for the cast and crew, as it marks the culmination of their hard work and preparation.

When the curtain goes down at the end, will there be enthusiastic (j) applause or silence? The applause from the audience at the end of a play is an indication of their appreciation and enjoyment. A loud and enthusiastic applause is a positive response, while silence may indicate a lack of enthusiasm.

Will the newspaper (k) critics be good or bad? Critics are individuals who write reviews and provide their opinions on the play. Their reviews can greatly influence the success or failure of a production. Positive reviews can attract more audience members and generate buzz, while negative reviews can deter potential theater-goers.

What will the (l) audience think? The audience refers to the people who attend the play. Their opinions and reactions are important as they ultimately determine the success of the play. Positive feedback from the audience can lead to word-of-mouth promotion and increased ticket sales.

Everyone hopes for a (m) hit that will (n) run for months or even years, but the play might be a (o) flop and only last a few days. A hit play refers to a highly successful production that attracts large audiences and runs for an extended period. On the other hand, a flop refers to a production that fails to attract audiences or receives negative reviews, leading to a short run.

It's hard work in the theatre. There are evening (p) performances six nights a week and afternoon shows, called (q) matinees, once or twice as well. In the theater industry, there are regular evening performances throughout the week. Additionally, there are also afternoon shows called matinees, which are usually scheduled once or twice a week.
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