проверьте рассказ по ,, . one day we were building part of the station. then the station supervisor was called on the radio from the satellite control office. he was told that a small satellite was coming towards us. he climbed into his spacesuit and soon he was in space. sometimelater, we switched on the radio and heard: " help! i am in trouble! did this spasesuit belong ". we took out binoculars and looked at the sky. the spacemen fainted and fell down. then we made him to the space station.

danchik1106 danchik1106    1   12.07.2019 12:10    0

aaaaaaaahhh aaaaaaaahhh  18.09.2020 11:58
После told мы не можем использовать that, нужно использовать местоимение вместо that. 
He was told... Ты уверена, что здесь нужен passive?
 Sometime later раздельно)
Возвращаемся к предложению  He was told that a small satellite was coming towards us. It said that a small...
После say мы можем использовать that, а после tell не можем. 
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