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I was motivated to write the book you are holding in your hands by the realization that my personality has been transformed. Not 100%, of course. Life is a journey and there is no limit to perfection. But I've changed a lot in recent years and now I want to share that with people. To tell what not possible is possible. That it is possible and necessary to work on yourself, to change yourself. Don't believe it when they tell you that people don't change - they do! It all depends on us and on how much we want to change.
In this book I will show you from my own experience, from birth to becoming a business and today, how a person can change without experiencing huge losses and all-consuming anxiety. I will show you how it all happened. I believe a person can go through all levels of their life in a positive way, unfortunately not everyone knows how to do it. If you've ever been burned, thought you were incapable and completely discouraged in life, then this book will help you feel faith in yourself in my example. I really want to pass on my experience through these lines to show that girls and women, at any age, are free to do whatever their soul desires. The human potential, and all the more the potential of a woman, is inexhaustible and practically borders on the limit.
infinity. A man can do anything he wants. Simply bring yourself to a point of calm, ask yourself a few simple questions and then just answer them honestly. You'll see, miracles won't take long to happen - they will happen every time, every day, every minute, every second.
After reading this book, I hope you will see a different side of yourself. Perhaps you can also look at the world through my eyes, involuntarily living the transformation of my personality and becoming more aware. Everything is relative. I must confess that I was very nervous when I first conceived of writing a book. Will I succeed? Will my book be useful? But now I'm pretty sure I did everything right! Because there is no such thing as unnecessary thoughts, unimportant words. If at least one person reading this book will be happier - all was not in vain! If what is so important to me resonates in your hearts and touches
strings of your soul, then my mission is accomplished.
I would love to see how people turn the last page and start to think differently about life and about destiny . How they begin to think of themselves better, in some ways even more critically, and to love themselves, to love just because they are.
And know that my main reward is your happy faces, radiant looks and open hearts.