Проверить правильно ли я написал: in this composition i would like tell you about weather in moscow. the first season of the year is winter. winter usually coll snowy and frosty. i like witner because of snow and new year

lianagabrielya lianagabrielya    3   30.09.2019 06:30    0

nastyhca2005 nastyhca2005  09.10.2020 04:50

In this composition I would like tell you about weather in Moscow. The first season of the year is winter. Winter usually cold snowy and frosty. I like winter because of snow and New Year!

Artemkotkot20 Artemkotkot20  09.10.2020 04:50

In this composition I would like tell you about weather in Moscow. The first season of the year is winter. Winter is usually cold snowy and frosty. I like winter because of snow and New Year.

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