Просто . перепишите предложения в косвенной речи. используйте правило согласование времен там,где это необходимо. 1 petter said to his little brother, "you mustn't open this door" 2 he asked, "why do you always come home so late? " 3 she asked, "was this man a doctor? " 4. kate said to me, "i've finished your book. it was very interesting" 5. the teacher said,"the earth goes round the moon" 6. the british prime minister said,"russia is a great country" 7. my friend asked me "should i come to your place or stay at home? " буду !

Still227 Still227    2   18.06.2019 19:40    1

pilipuyk pilipuyk  15.07.2020 10:24
1.Peter told his little brother not to open..
2.he asked why I always came..
3.asked if that man was a..
4.said  that she had finished my book and it was very..
5.said that the Earth went around
6.said that Russia was a ..
7.asked me if he should come to my place or stay at..
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