пропуски, выбрав нужную временную форму оборота “there is/are”. Переведите предложения. 1. … no precedent on the case.

2. … not many crimes in this region last year.

3. … several scientific conferences in our Institute next month.

4. … some dictionaries, if you need.

5. … no intention to commit an offence. You must take it into consideration.

6. … any mistakes in the police report?

7. … wars all through the Middle Ages.

8. … an accident – can I phone?

9. I’m afraid, … no time to discuss the case now

Умник0666 Умник0666    3   17.10.2020 07:11    2

tetyana5 tetyana5  16.11.2020 07:13
There isThere areThere areThere areThere isAre thereThere areIs therethere is

1) There is

2) There are

3) There are

4) There are

5) There is

6) Are there

7) There are

8) There is

9) There is

Как-то так))

(is используется в единственном числе, а are - во множественном)

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