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book medicine scientists continued do performed big early new

The history of medicine in Europe

The Chinese, Indian, Persian and Egyptian cultures developed early ideas of medicine, many years before similar ideas appeared in Europe. In 400 BC, Hippocrates wrote the first European 1 about medicine. At this time, the focus was on diet and hygiene and there was very little knowledge of surgery and 2.
This approach to health care 3 for over a thousand years until the work of people like Andreas van Wesel and William Harvey in the 1500s and 1600s. They examined bodies and started to 4 experiments. This led to a better understanding of how the body works but it did not lead to many 5 medicines or treatments. The 6 change in European medicine came in the 1800s when chemistry and other sciences developed. 7 such as Lister and Pasteur learnt how germs spread disease and how to make medicines. It was also the time when the 8 work on genetics began with Mendel’s experiments with peas. A hundred years later, Watson and Crick discovered DNA and Barnard 9 the first heart transplant.

Wanemid Wanemid    3   11.04.2020 11:19    5

kattya100 kattya100  13.10.2020 02:15

ответ:1. Book, 2. Medicine , 3. Continued. 4. New. 5. do 6.Big, 7. Scientists. 8. Early 9.Performed


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