Промежуточная аттестация по английскому за курс 7 класса.

I. Choose the right variant – выбери нужный вариант

1. A lot of houses …………… in the city every year.
a) is build b) are build c) are built

2. Did you go to the museum last Thursday? - ……..
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. d) Yes, I did.

3. Mary and John ……. to the music at the moment.
a) were listening b) are listening c) have listened

4. I………………………. this book yet.
a) don’t read b) haven’t read c) am not reading

5. The wood ………………. into small pieces
a) are cut b) cut c) is cut

6. My best friend person is ……………………. in the class.
a) funny b) the funniest c) funnier

7. That was……………film I have ever seen.
a) worst b) the badest c) the worst

8. She works………………………….the others.
a) carefully b) more carefully c) the most carefully

9. Could you speak a bite……………….., please?
a) more slowlier b) slowlier c) more slowly

10. She plays the piano……………………… .
a) well b)good c) the best

11. She is professional writer and she write…………………….. .
a) wonderful b) wonderfully c) most wonderfully

12. She is the…………….. pupil in the class.
a) best b) good c) better

13. He is ………………at playing the violin than his brother.
a) better b) good c) best
14. He runs ……………….. .
a) fastly b) fast c) faster

15. I’ve got a brother………………………… can rely on.
a) who b) which c)that

16. Friendship is a feeling ……… can last forever.
a) which b)who c) that

17. My friend is a person ……………. is always there for me.
a) who b) that c) which

dimonatomp0ce79 dimonatomp0ce79    3   20.05.2020 10:57    0

Патич232 Патич232  15.10.2020 01:42

1.b 2d 3b 4b 5a 6.b 7c 8b 9b 10a 11b 12b 13a 14b 15a 16a 17a


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