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Choose the comparative form of the adjectives:
1. the most important
more important
2.the thiner
3. the fasterst

kirillnesterov06 kirillnesterov06    3   19.10.2020 06:47    12

Kot2351 Kot2351  18.01.2024 15:54
1. the most important
Most adjectives use the comparative form by adding "er" to the end of the adjective. However, some adjectives are irregular and require the word "more" before the adjective to form the comparative. The adjective "important" is one of these irregular adjectives. The comparative form of "important" is "more important."

2. the thiner
The adjective "thin" follows the regular rule for forming comparatives by adding "er" to the end of the adjective. However, there is a spelling rule that states when a one-syllable adjective ends with a single vowel followed by a single consonant, we must double the consonant before adding "er." Therefore, the comparative form of "thin" is "thinner."

3. the fastest
The superlative form of an adjective is used when we want to compare one thing among many others. To form the superlative, most adjectives add "est" to the end of the adjective. However, some adjectives are irregular and do not follow this rule. In the case of the adjective "fast," it is one of these irregular adjectives. The superlative form of "fast" is "fastest."

To summarize:
1. The comparative form of "important" is "more important."
2. The comparative form of "thin" is "thinner."
3. The superlative form of "fast" is "fastest."
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