Продолжите предложения : 2) who were these people? - кто были эти люди? пример: j.r.r.tolkien? - he was a writer-дж. р. р. толкиена ? - он был писателем. f.chopin, j.s.bach? - they were composers. - ф. шопен, и. с. бах ? - они были композиторами. a) shakespeare ? - he b) c.chaplin ? - c) i. newton? - d) elizabeth i ? - e) sir w. churchill? - f) john lennon& paul mccartney? - they g) l. carroll* a. christie ? - h) ilya repin& j. turner? -

екатерина699 екатерина699    1   08.07.2019 08:40    1

ромамс ромамс  31.07.2020 09:05
A) He was the famous  poet and play writer.
b) He was an actor.
c) I.Newton) He  was the famous physicist. d) Elizabeth I) She  was the British queen. e) Sir W.Churchill) He  was the British Primier minister. f) They were singers. They are the famous British  band (the Beatles)  g) He was a writer. h) They were painters
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