Продолжить диалоги.1.-i called you yesterday but you were out.-sorry, but i came back late. -did you what did you 2. did you have a nice weekend? - yes, it was nice. and you? - - did you? that’s you like to join us? -with great pleasure.

Kosmos29052004 Kosmos29052004    2   10.06.2019 15:50    3

ванямна ванямна  08.07.2020 23:18
1. - i called you yesterday but you were out.- sorry, but i came back late.
- did you...?
- no, ...?
- really? ...
- ... and what did you want?
2. - did you have a nice weekend?
- yes, it was nice ... and you?
- did you? that'samazing! ... 
- ... wourld you like to joing us ?
- with great pleasure. ...
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