Прочтите текст биографии Авраама Линкольна. Расположите(снизу) события в хронологическом порядке. Abraham Lincoln was an American president. He was born in a farmhouse in Kentucky on 12th February, 1809.

When he was a child, Abraham loved reading and learning new things. When Abraham was 19, he left the farm. He worked during the day and studied in his free time. In 1836, he became a lawyer and was soon famous for his honesty and courage. At the age of 52, he was elected the 16th President of the United States of America.

While he was president, he guided his country through the American Civil War and stopped slavery. As he promised, “… this nation… shall have a new birth of freedom; - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. On 14th April, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot him while he was at a theatre. He dided the next day.

Abraham Lincoln was more that just a great leader and a great speaker. He wanted to make life better for everyone. His statue sits in the Lincoln Memorial and, to this day, people visit it to admire ‘Honest Abe’.

1 a Left the farm at 19

2 b Elected President at the age of 52

3 c Became a lawyer in 1836

4 d Shot on 14th of April

5 e Died the next day

6 f Remember him to this day

7 g Born in 1809

Task 2. Complete the biography with the words below.

Задание 2. Заполните биографию приведенными ниже словами.

Became- стал

Inspiration- вдохновение

Into - в


Consider- считаться

First- первый

became, inspiration, into, born consider, first.

Toktar Aubakirov was ¬¬¬¬1 in 1946 in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. At the age of 13 he left the school and started working in a metal factory. He entered the air force in 1965. In 1976 he 2 a test pilot. Toktar tested over 50 types of aircraft and he was the 3 Kazakh to go 4 space. In 1993 he became the director of the KazCosmos. To this day, people 5 him a hero. Toktar Aubakirov worked hard to succeed and he is an 6 to many people.

Смешарик111 Смешарик111    2   30.10.2020 13:41    3

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