Прочитайте текст, выберите и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму. запишите номер варианта в соответствующую ячейку таблицы. ecological problems (a) some of the most important ones. people all over (b) world are trying to solve (c) problems. during the last two centuries the problem of air and water pollution (d) worse. the more civilization is developing, (e) the ecological problems are becoming. a 1) have become 2) became 3) has become 4) become b 1) the 2) a 3) an 4) – c 1) that 2) these 3) this 4) those d 1) became 2) become 3) have become 4) has become e 1) greater 2) great 3) the greater 4) the greatest

ДобротаПротивЗла ДобротаПротивЗла    3   06.10.2019 22:10    108

dasha00097 dasha00097  06.10.2019 22:10
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