Прочитайте текст в рамке.задайте к нему вопросы и дайте ответы,вставляя do,don't,does,doesn't в рамке - uncle bob has a red beard. he has a hat. aunt jane has blond hair.she has a green bag. вопросы uncle bob have a beard? - yes,he aunt jane have a beard? - no,she uncle bob and aunt jane have black hair? - no they uncle bob have a hat? - yes,he aunt jane have a blue bag? - no,she ответе ,!

Tatyna83 Tatyna83    1   03.08.2019 05:20    0

apple1345 apple1345  30.09.2020 07:19
1. Does; Does
2. Does; Doesn't
3. Do; Don't
4. Does; Does
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