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The word “zoo” was introduced in the 19th century and first was an abbreviation of the word combination “zoological garden” – the collection of different species of animals taken from nature. They were created on the basis of many reasons: research making, education, conservation and recreation. In general, zoos are seen as some sort of alternative to a natural environment for animals. Let’s find out if it’s true by means of examining the pros and cons of zoos. It is an important debate whether animals should be kept in zoos or not. Some say that it is necessary to capture them in order to protect from poachers, people who hunt animals for money. Regarding all the efforts to kill animals for ivory, skins and medical aims, zoo is quite a safe place for them. In contrast to this, it is necessary to note that animals have their natural rights and once they are put into cages these rights are broken. It is known that there are zoos where workers treat animals very cruelly. Fortunately, day by day all zoos become more and more improved and it wouldn’t be fair to close all the zoos because of the mistakes of some of them. But no matter how good the conditions of the place where animals are kept are, they are still suffering because of the fact that their natural behaviour is limited by a zoo’s walls. As each problem has two sides, we can discuss that from both sides: pros and cons.
2. Перепишите слова в тетрадь и переведите
in danger

3. Выполните тренировочные упражнения
1. Match the words with their definitions. Найти к словам его значение
Пример: 0. б

1. role a. different points of view with proofs
2. in danger b. kinds of animals
3. species c. to construct sth similar
4. drawbacks d. you play it
5. recreate e. not safe
6. arguments f. disadvantages

2. Choose the correct answers to the questions. (Подберите правильный ответ к во Пример: 0. c

1. What do we write in the introduction? a. On the other hand, zoos have several drawbacks, such as cages.
2. What phrase can we use in the argument “for”? b. To sum up, the arguments both for and against zoos.
3. What phrase can we use in the argument “against”? c. All people like zoos. But what do we know about their positive and negative sides?
4. What do we write in the summary? d. On the one hand, zoos help animals survive, children educate and researchers work.

3. Form Participles II from the verbs. Напишите 3 форму данных глаголов
bear -
endanger -
keep -
make -
survive -
protect -

4. Read the story and find the appropriate heading. (Выберете подходящее название текста)

1. Zoos are Fun
2. Keeping Elephants in Zoos
3. The Pros and Cons of Keeping Animals in Zoos
4. Keeping Lions in Zoos

Zoos are certainly among the greatest places to take your family for a fun adventure. You will see there a lot of exotic animals, on average, about 800 species that you can only see on TV or read about in books. You will learn about interesting and exciting wildlife, see animals you have never seen before and ultimately have an all-round great day. However, like any other things, zoos also have good and bad sides to them. Let us take a look at their biggest pros and cons. The possible benefits are proper nutrition and medical care for injuries for those species that may not get them for themselves in the wild for some reasons. One of the cons is the confined spaces where animals are forced to live in. As a result, they cannot freely roam. For example, elephants normally travel long distances in groups. Apart from elephants, other animals, such as lions, do not get the chance to hunt, and it makes them more aggressive if they are not properly taken care of. This can arise more danger for zoo personnel, as well as visitors. Is it fair to keep animals in zoos? By weighing the pros and cons, you will be able to make a well-informed decision.
5. Read the story again and choose the correct answers. . (Прочитайте текст ещё раз и подберите правильный ответ)
Пример: 1.b

1) How many species of animals can we see in an average zoo?
a) 80
b) 800
c) 8000
2)Living in confined spaces is bad because animals cannot
a) sleep.
b) roam.
c) eat.
3) Why do lions become more aggressive living in a zoo?
a) They cannot hunt.
b) They don’t see their cubs.

1MrFeNiKS1 1MrFeNiKS1    2   09.04.2020 11:18    21

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