Прочитайте текст. используйте слова, написанные заглавными буквами, для образования слов, которые подходят для пропусков в этих же строках. ( lived a cat. his name was tiger. (one) he (2) friend's pet. (be) one day tiger ( the wall (jump) and ( the garden next door. (go) he ( bird in an apple tree. it was a (see) small brown bird with bright red ( (feather) on (. tiger was hungry. he (it) climbed the tree. the bird did not see ( (he) the bird was at the end of a long, thin branch. it sang( tiger walked slowly and (pretty) quietly( branch. he was very (long) near the bird. suddenly there was a loud crash! the branch broke, the bird ( (fly) and tiger ( he lauded in the lap of (fall) an old lady who was( under the tree.(sit)

Mariecharlaii Mariecharlaii    2   27.06.2019 16:40    5

истина4 истина4  22.07.2020 02:00
(1) Once
(2) was
(3) jumped
(4) went
(5) saw
(6) feather
(7) its
(9) pretty
(10) along
(11) flew
(12) falled
(13) sat
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