Прочитайте текст. используйте слова, написанные в скобках. для образования слов так,чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.astrid lindgrenastrid lindgren is a () born author. she was born as astrid anna emilia ericssonin 1907 in (15)_ (south) sweden where she grew up on a farm. she spend her early() with cows and discovering hidden forest paths. astrid was the second of fichildren. during their childhood years, they were fond of storytelling; their parents taught themhow to use their () and () in the world of literature. her childhoodyears were full of love and () which also came from her parents. her books onchildren are () known and loved. pippi longstocking, one of the() books, has been translated into 60 languages. this character was created afterthe birth of her daughter, karin. her debut in (22) (write) was made at a time when womenwere () involved with domestic work. pippi jumped right into the world of boys and( up) without any (). she was brave and () and gave heropinion on anything to anyone. pippi would never just sit and wait for her prince() to come riding on his white horse. she had her own horse. lindgren's humorand love for () was (). she represented the swedish spirit for therest of the world. her books are full of loving relationships, liberation and () fornature. she died in 2002 at the age of 94, after a very () and () life.​

Nematzoda1999 Nematzoda1999    2   05.05.2019 08:11    11

Colka123 Colka123  30.09.2020 15:27

14) Swedish

15) southern

16) chilhood

17) imagination

18) creativity

19) laughter

20) internationally

21) favourite

22) writing

23) mostly

24) grown-ups

25) permission

26) daring

27) charming

28) humanity

29) legendary

30) fondness

31) productive

32) artistic

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