Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски грамматически подходящей формой слова, которое дано в скобках

My name is Max. I like (Example) _playing_ (PLAY) computer games, but I like books and comics best. I love stories about men on the moon and about children who live in different countries.

I read a good story yesterday. In this story, a boy 1(CLIMB) a mountain. At the top, there 2 (BE) a lot of snow. It was evening, but the boy 3(CAN) see the forest below him. He 4 (SIT) down on a rock to have a drink and to look up at all the stars. But then he 5(SEE) something that he 6(NOT UNDERSTAND). Something very big and round 7(FLY) quietly and quickly behind a cloud. What was it? The boy 8(NOT KNOW) and he didn’t wait to see it again. He 9 (RUN) home to his village because he was very afraid. I wasn’t afraid! I I 10(ENJOY) the story a lot! .

Anastasia6226 Anastasia6226    1   22.03.2020 08:51    5

LobovM LobovM  11.09.2020 21:28

1. Climbing

2. Was

3. Was can

4. Sitting

5. Saw

6. Wasn't understand

7. Flying

8. Wasn't know

9. Running

10. Enjoying

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