Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения после него. Отметьте букву (а,в,с), соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. It was a beautiful sunny summer day in New York City. It was a perfect day for walking and John decided to take a walk across Brooklyn Bridge.

There were a lot of people on the bridge. They were walking, riding their bikes and eating ice cream. There were also a lot of tourists there. They were taking pictures. A woman asked John to take a picture of her and her son. He took their picture. They thanked him and John continued his walk.

A nice warm wind made John’s walk pleasant. Soon he saw an old man who was sitting on a bench and drawing a picture. Next to the man there were about 30 drawings. There were drawings of bridges and buildings of New York. There were drawings of people’s faces. All of them were black and white. John thought they were beautiful. He couldn’t believe the price. They were only £10 each.

“These drawings are so beautiful”, John told the man.”Thank you”, the old man said. “I’m from Russia. My English is not very good”.

John said,”But your art is very good”.

“Sit down,” the man said.

“Do you want to draw me?” John asked.

“Yes,,” the man answered.

Unfortunately John didn’t have time for that so he just bought a beautiful picture of New York skyscrapers and waved goodbye to the old man.

He continued walking. Soon he stopped to look at the Statue of Liberty. It was far and looked so small. There were many ships and boats on the East River. Some boats were full of tourists. They were going to the Statue of Liberty.

John crossed the bridge and continued his walk in Brooklyn Bridge Park. There he decided to have lunch. There were a lot of street vendors in the park selling food and drinks and also T-shirts, postcards and CDs. John had a hotdog, a coke and an ice cream.

What a pleasant time he was having in New York! What a pleasant time all people around him were having!




1.john decided to take a walk because …

The weather was good

He had some free time

He loved bridges

2.On Brooklyn Bridge there were a lot of …. .




3. On the old man’s drawings you could not see …



Many colours

4. The old man wanted to …

Talk to John

Draw John’s portrait

Sell John a picture

5. The boats took tourists to …

The Statue of Liberty

The other bank of the East River

Brooklyn Bridge Park

6.The word vendor means …

A painter who draw in the street

A person who sells things in the street

A tourist who takes pictures in the street

Юля9887 Юля9887    3   22.02.2022 00:23    8

NamaruC3 NamaruC3  22.02.2022 01:00

1) The weather was good.

2) Tourists

3) Many colours

4) Draw John's portrait

5) The Statue of Liberty

6) A person who sells things in the street.

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