Прочитайте текст и выполните к нему задание: если предложение соответствует тексту – поставьте Т (true), не соответствует – F (false).
Hello, my name is Helen Brown. Only yesterday I was nine and today I’m ten because today is my birthday. And I’m glad that today is Sunday and not Monday or Friday because on Sundays I don’t go to school. But my school friends are coming to my birthday party. It’s 1 o’clock now and my birthday party begins at 2 o’clock. But my friend Kate will come at 3. She and her parents went to see Kate’s grandmother. I already got my present from my parents. It wasn’t a dress like last year or a CD player like the one they gave my brother for his birthday. It’s a bicycle. I like to ride my bicycle. I also like to read. I know that my school friends will give me books with some of my favourite stories. I like books better than videos or music.
1. The girl’s name is Mary .
2. She is ninе.
3. She doesn’t like to go to school.
4. Her birthday party begins at 2 o’clock.
5. Her friends didn’t come to her birthday party, because they were at school.
6. Her parents’ present was a CD player.
7. Helen likes to ride her bicycle.
8. She likes books better than videos or music.
II. Поставьте правильно предлоги “at”, “in” or “on”.
1. … midnight
2. … 1984
3. … June 26th
4. … Monday
5. … Easter
6. …10 o’clock
7. … winter
8. …afternoon
9. . … morning
10. … Sunday afternoon
III. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. She (go) ……… to school every day.
2. I (skate) ……… next winter.
3. We (do) ……… our homework yesterday.
4. My mum (make) ……… cakes every Sunday.
IV. Вставьте модальный глагол must или must not.
1. You ……… swim here, because it is very dangerous.
2. Children ……… help their parents.
3. A boy has got a pet, so he ……… take care of it.
4. These boys are hooligans. You ……… play with them.
5. He ……… go out. It is very cold.

Бла161 Бла161    3   20.05.2020 22:31    2

ibarabol318 ibarabol318  20.05.2020 23:30



3. T






2 часть

1. At midnight

2. In 1984

3. At June 26th

4. On Monday

5. In Easter

6. At 10 o’clock

7. In winter

8. On afternoon

9. at morning

10. On Sunday afternoon

3 часть

1. Go

2. I will (или часть

1. You must not swim here, because it is very dangerous.

2. Children must help their parents.

3. A boy has got a pet, so he must take care of it.

4. These boys are hooligans. You must not play with them.

5. He must go out. It is very cold.

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