Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие приведенных утверждений содержанию прочитанного (True/False) a Dad: Listen, boys. Do you remember it is your mother's birthday tomorrow? We could arrange a party for her, couldn't we? Jack: Of course, we can. Bob: Not a bad idea! Let's think about it right now. Jack: I know! I'll be responsible for the music. Dad: I'm going to buy beautiful flowers. And you, Bob? Bob: I'm going to clean the flat and buy a nice box of sweets. And who is going to make a birthday cake? Jack, you are a good cook, aren't you? Jack: Am I? Why me? I think we should make a birthday cake together, shouldn't we? Dad: All right. Let's make it together. a

nlikachev nlikachev    2   13.12.2021 23:01    1

aadfgjrv aadfgjrv  13.12.2021 23:10
отТТ ннНИяЯ ЕеЛЕЕРРааАммм - @united brai nly (ББбЕЕе ППРрРБооОвв)
carrot4 carrot4  13.12.2021 23:10
оо знНАААНИИия ТТЕЛЛлЕГГГРмМм - @united brai nly (БббеЕЗзЗ пПОбеЕЕлЛОовв)
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