Прочитайте рассказ. передайте в письменной форме его содержание на языке, используя косвенную речь. запишите перевод своего изложения. используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), to order (приказывать), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать). einstein for a day albert einstein, one of the world’s brilliant and respected scientists, is best known for formulating the theory of relativity. but it is not widely known that he had a fine sense of humor. there is an amusing story about einstein’s visiting universities in a car driven by a chauffeur, giving lectures on relativity. one day the chauffeur said: “mr. einstein, i have heard you give this lecture about 30 times. i know it by heart, and i am sure i could give it myself.” “well i’ll give you a chance,” said einstein. “they won’t recognize me at school. when we get there, i’ll put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give a lecture.” the chauffeur gave einstein’s lecture without making a single mistake. on finishing, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him to ask a difficult question. the chauffeur thought fast. “that problem is so trivial,” he said, “to show how simple it is, i am going to ask my chauffeur to come up here and answer your question.”

ivan080206 ivan080206    1   22.06.2019 22:40    1

ruzannakokh ruzannakokh  02.10.2020 08:53