Прочитайте рассказ Катерин о школе и составьте по 2 специальных во к каждому абзацу.
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My name is Catherine, I am thirteen years old. I study at school number seven. My school is a three-storeyed building with a lot of classrooms, where we learn different subjects. The classrooms for the primary school are on the first floor and the classrooms for the high school are on the second and third floors. Our school has two gymnasiums with all the necessary equipment. We often stay there after classes and play volleyball. Different sports competitions are held there.
There is also a swimming pool in our school, where we swim in hot weather. We have manual training lessons where boys do woodwork and girls learn how to sew and cook. All the classrooms of our school are spacious and light.
Everything is new in our school – desks, tables, chairs. We have laboratories for Physics and Chemistry where we conduct experiments. There are a lot of interesting books in our library and we often take them for reading. The food is always delicious in our canteen and it is always clean there. We also have a big assembly hall. Different competitions and events are held there.
Our classroom is on the third floor. Our form-mistress is a teacher of Biology. She knows her subject perfectly. We all love her not only as a teacher but also as a person. She gives us pieces of advice. Our class is the friendliest at school. On weekends we often go to museums, theatres, exhibitions, and at the beginning of vacations we go to the mountains.
I miss school during the holidays. I love my school very much.

lolkaTV lolkaTV    1   19.04.2020 18:46    4