Прочитайте предложения и письменно заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами к фразовым глаголам.

1.My sister fell with her boyfriend. They had different points of view on Green Peace actions.

2.Shrek fell ___ Fiona at first sight.

3.I want to go my friend tonight. He is a quite interesting and talkative person.

4.Ann is the most intelligent girl in our group. She gets everybody.

5.What are you looking ? - I’ve lost my keys.

6.My neighbour asked me to look her children.

7.Children please look picture №1. What can you see?

8.Hello, how are you getting ?

9.Students are looking summer holidays.

10. A lot of people got COVID19.​

rahimzhan20p0dqkg rahimzhan20p0dqkg    3   22.04.2020 15:22    2

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