Прочитайте параграфы текста (1 - 5), установите соответствия между ними и заголовками (a-f). Каждому параграфу подберите свой заголовок. В списке есть один лишний заголовок.
a) Last defeat
b) Losing the campaign
c) Self-made monarch
d) Man in politics
e) Metamorphosis
f) Young commander
1) In 1789, the people of France rose against the unjust rule of their king and his nobles. The French Revolution was welcomed by a young man born on the island of Corsica 20 years before. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a man of strong ambition, which took him from a small village in Corsica to command of most of Europe.
2) Napoleon went to the leading military school in Paris, and by 1792, he was a captain of artillery. Three years later, he saved France by crushing a royalist uprising in Paris. Napoleon became the head of the French army at the age of twenty-four. He won great victories in Italy, Belgium, and Austria and made a successful expedition to Egypt.
3) In 1804, he crowned himself emperor of France. This is how it happened. As the Pope prepared to crown Napoleon emperor in Notre Dame Cathedral, Napoleon took the crown from his hands and placed it on his own head to show that he, Napoleon, had personally won the right to wear it. Then he crowned his wife, Josephine.
4) Napoleon set out to conquer the whole of Europe. Anyhow, he could hot defeat Britain at sea. He tried to stop all countries from trading with Britain, but Russia did not cooperate. So Napoleon led his great army into Russia in the winter of 1812. Napoleon’s operations in this country ended in his defeat.
5) The he lost the battle of Waterloo in Belgium, in 1815. There he was beaten by the British under Wellington and the Prussians under Blucher. He was made a prisoner on the lonely Atlantic island of St Helena, where he dictated his memories and died in 1821 at the age of 51.
2. Впишите производные от слов в скобках.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) was an Italian (1 - art) and (2 - invent) . He began painting during his (3 - boy) . One of his most (4 - fame) paintings is the “Mona Lisa”
It is a picture of a woman who is smiling (5 - mysterious) .
(6 - special) s still study the great man’s paintings. Leonardo left more than 7,000 pages of notebooks with (7 - science) ideas and sketches. Leonardo worked as an engineer for Italian nobles and for the French king. He also played (8 - music) instruments and was a good (9 - sing).
3. Выберите лексически и грамматически правильные варианты (a - c).
1) My sister is than me by three years.
a) as old b) older c) elder
2) Here is my friend’s greetings card; he often calls me, too.
a) last b) latter c) latest
3) Please tell us of these bikes is yours.
a) which b) who c) what
4) Yesterday was lovely and warm, not like today.
a) so b) as c) such
5) You think we should visit the picture gallery, Mike. an interesting idea!
a) So b) What c) How
6) Where did you buy such tasty tea?
a) – b) a c) the
7) In what countries is German language spoken?
a) – b) a c) the
8) Mary’s little garden very nice.
a) grows b) looks c) develops

rudenkovitalik rudenkovitalik    3   19.05.2020 07:21    11

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