Прочитайте ещё раз текст и ответьте на эти вопросы – The safety rules

A dangerous event may be a cause a lot of damage or kills of people. There may be victims and destruction after natural disasters.
What should you do? Don’t panic. Check for injuries. Turn off the electricity. Call emergency services to get help for injured persons. Leave the building. Move to the evacuation assembly point. Wait for instructions.

1. What is the cause of the dangerous events?
2. What could be after natural disasters?
3. What should you turn off during a natural disaster?
4. Where should you move after a catastrophe?
5. Should you stay at home or leave your home during a natural disaster?

Nr2006 Nr2006    2   12.03.2021 11:30    0

zerg314 zerg314  11.04.2021 11:32

1) A dangerous event may be a cause a lot of damage or kill people

2)There may be victims and destruction after natural disasters

3) You should turn off the electricity during a natural disaster

4) You should move to the evacuation assembly point.

5) You should leave the home during a natural disaster

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