Прочитай текст, найди и запиши сравнительные и превосходные прилагательные This is my family. I am taller than my brother and sister but my dad is the tallest. My mum is a vet and my dad is a teacher. I think being a vet is more interesting than being a teacher because you work with animals. I want to be an astronaut – I think this is the most interesting job! Being a vet is easier than being a teacher because teachers have to correct lots of homework. My job is the easiest – I’m a student!

hghfYES hghfYES    3   17.11.2020 14:52    3

Алина06072003 Алина06072003  17.12.2020 14:53


Ещё the easiest в последнем предложении

Прочитай текст, найди и запиши сравнительные и превосходные прилагательные This is my family. I am t
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