Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a little man selling balloons. “Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. “Here is our money”. “What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.
I. Верно (+) или неверно (-) утверждение.
___1.One day Mary and Bob went to the park.
___2.They saw a little man selling balloons.
___3.They gave the man a big apple.
___4.The balloon was beautiful.
II.Выбери утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.
1.Mary and Bob went shopping because:
a) they wanted some oranges; b) they wanted ice cream; c) they liked shopping.
2.The children wanted:
a) a red ball; b) a green balloon; c) a bright green balloon.
3.So they gave the man:
a) some sweets; b) some money; c) some oranges.
4.They didn’t want any ice cream because:
a) they had no money; b) they were happy to have balloon; c) it was cold.
III.Пронумеруйте предложения в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста

23v 23v    2   25.05.2020 02:36    67

alaaaaaaa alaaaaaaa  15.10.2020 07:59

I) 1. -

2. +

3. -

4. +

II) 1. b

2. c

3. b

4. b


1 - b.

2 - e

3 - a

4 - c

5 - d.

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