Прочитай про животных из семейства кошачьих и заполни пропуски (1 – 10) прилагательными в правильной форме. your cat is (1) … (small) than the lion, leopard, and tiger but they all are relatives. tigers are the (2) … (large) cats in the world. the amur tiger is (3) … (big) than other tigers. it is the (4) … (heavy) wild cat in the world. the cheetah is (5) … (small) than the tiger, but it is (6) … (fast) than the tiger. in fact the cheetah is the (7) … (fast) animal on land. the lion is the (8) … (dangerous) animal in africa. some cats are (9) … (furry) than others. the snow leopard has (10) … (long) fur than the lion. the snow leopard is one of the (11) … (beautiful) wild cats.

angelinabanar angelinabanar    1   08.07.2019 01:20    10

xeniathcelykh xeniathcelykh  02.10.2020 22:36
Your cat is smaller than the lion, leopard, and tiger but they all are relatives. Tigers are the largest cats in the world. The Amur Tiger is bigger than other tigers. It is the heaviest wild cat in the world. The cheetah is smaller than the tiger, but it is faster than the tiger. In fact the cheetah is the fastest animal on land. The lion is the most dangerous animal in Africa.
Some cats are furrier than others. The snow leopard has longer fur than the lion. The snow leopard is one of the most beautiful wild cats.
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