Прочитай предложения.выбери правильный глагол в present simple (am. is. are) или past simple (wes. were) и запиши предложения в тетрадь. 1)there is/are a lot of cows in the field 2)the weather wes/were rainy lasts summer 3)were/was you in the country last sundey? 4)my mums eye is/are blue 5)where wes/were they a month ago? 6)we wasnt/werent in the desert last year?

nybik22890qw nybik22890qw    1   28.05.2019 17:20    2

elyukros elyukros  26.06.2020 10:55
1)There are a lot of cows in the field
2)The weather was rainy last summer
3)Were you in the country last Sundey?
4)My mums eye are blue
5)Where were they a month ago?
6)We weren't in the desert last year
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